Upper West Side Mom : I would like to schedule a make-up class for my son. Me : Ok, great! Is there any particular day or time that would work best for you? UWS Mom : Oh, anytime really. Me : Ok, let me look at our schedule. How about tomorrow afternoon at 4:00pm? UWS Mom : No, Wednesday's don't work. Me : Huh. Okay.... It looks like there's a Friday at 12:45pm. UWS Mom : Actually it really needs to be in the morning, like before 11:00. Me : Right. Well... many of our morning classes are full. However, I think we could make space in a class Monday morning at 9:00am. UWS Mom : WHAT!? Me : What? UWS Mom : That's so EARLY! Me : *long pause* So... not an option? UWS Mom : Is there anything else? Me : Hmm.... Maybe Saturday or Sunday? UWS Mom : *horrified look* Me : Right, well then I think Monday 9:00 is really our only option. UWS Mom : *disgusted sigh* You don't have anything later? But still before 11:00? Me : No, I'm sorry. UWS Mom : *disgusted sigh* Are you sur...
Deranged = Upset, Disturbed, Insane. : Rambling = To speak or write at length and with many digressions. : Deranged Rambling = A mostly defunct product of the mind of a 30-something year old American man living in a material world.