Yesterday I had a great day! I've been having a very rough couple of weeks where I have been greatly depressed about a great number of things, including my acting ability. I have this recurring nightmare that I actually suck and nobody is brave enough to tell me. Well, I received the perfect confirmation that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be yesterday, when I went to some screening auditions for summer work. It was a ridiculous cattle call style audition, with group after group of would-be actors filing in and trying to impress auditors in only 60 seconds that they are good enough to be considered for professional work. It was even scored on a points system, with those receiving the highest points being passed on to the actual audition for professional companies in March. Out of a possible 84 points, I got 83! Here were some of my comments:
"You are instantly likeable."
"Easy to follow, clearly spoken."
"Well done - you know what you're doing."
I don't reprint these comments to brag or boast. It's just that I wanted you all to know that this was exactly what I needed to hear. I mean, I was thinking a few weeks ago about dropping out of the program because I sucked so bad and couldn't keep up with my fellow classmates. But now I feel very optimistic about my odds of getting professional summer work, the first step towards establishing something of a career. And that was only part of my wonderful day! The rest is a mystery...
"You are instantly likeable."
"Easy to follow, clearly spoken."
"Well done - you know what you're doing."
I don't reprint these comments to brag or boast. It's just that I wanted you all to know that this was exactly what I needed to hear. I mean, I was thinking a few weeks ago about dropping out of the program because I sucked so bad and couldn't keep up with my fellow classmates. But now I feel very optimistic about my odds of getting professional summer work, the first step towards establishing something of a career. And that was only part of my wonderful day! The rest is a mystery...
PS. January 16th is going to be a big day!
Way to go!!!!